
About Product-Related Injuries

There are a lot of different ways in which a person can end up being injured. However, one way you may be injured is by a dangerous or defective product. If this has happened to you, then you want to see a personal injury lawyer who can help you to recoup your losses and receive adequate compensation for what you went through.  Product liability law information Many people are injured each and every year by products, so there is a product liability law in place to help discern who is responsible should someone be injured by a product. Read More 

How A Patient Can Try To Get Your License Revoked

As a chiropractor, when you find yourself in conflict with a patient, you might not only risk losing the patient and possibly receiving a negative review, but your patient may even file a complaint with the board. If the board considers the complaint to have merit, your chiropractor license could be revoked. To avoid any disruptions in your ability to continue practicing, you must consult with a chiropractor license defense attorney. Read More 

Shared Custody? Dos And Don’ts To Maintain It

If you currently share custody of your child with your former spouse, you may wonder how you can keep things calm. In some cases, you may not realize that keeping things copacetic could involve going to court. If you are about to be awarded shared custody or are seeking it in court, knowing how to keep your situation calm is important. Don't Ask a Child to Choose One of the first things you need to know when you are a divorced parent is that you should never ask a child to choose between parents. Read More 

Emergency Room Errors Can Lead to Personal Injury Cases

Going to the emergency room shouldn't feel like a risk. For most people, the emergency room is a safe place to receive treatment when you have a medical emergency. Unfortunately, you may find yourself facing additional injuries and expenses as a result of your emergency room visit. Are you concerned that your emergency room injury is costing you a lot of money? Are you unable to work? This is what you need to know. Read More 

Three Reasons To Contest A Separation Agreement

A marriage separation agreement is an important document that you and your spouse, as well as your respective attorneys, draft up at the time that you decide to live apart or end your marriage. It outlines a number of things, including the support that one partner will pay the other, child support, and how you'll divide large assets such as your home and investments. Most couples are able to agree to a mutually beneficial separation agreement and follow the document closely in the months and years ahead, but this isn't always the case. Read More