
Trying To Find A Divorce Attorney? Here Are The 4 Questions You Should Ask

A divorce is a pretty emotional event for most people -- so you may not be thinking entirely clearly when you start your search for a divorce attorney. That can be a big mistake. Choosing the right lawyer is probably the most important thing you can do when you're about to go through a divorce. Your attorney is the person who will set the tone for the proceedings, guide you through the darkest moments ahead, and protect your legal rights. Read More 

How Wealth Can Lead To Marital Disaster (And What Can Be Done To Prevent It)

Have you ever heard the phrase "More money, more problems?" If so, you may be hearing someone talk about the problems that brought their marriage to the brink of divorce.  While money issues are often blamed for breakups, the reality is that it isn't always a lack of money that ends up causing a split. (In fact, a lack of money can force a couple to stay together longer than they might otherwise, simply because they don't have the financial resources to easily leave. Read More 

3 Important Actions To Take When Dealing With Business Litigation Caused By Contractual Disputes

When you're involved in business with another company, legal issues may come up. For example, the company you're working with may breach their contract. If this happens, you need to prepare for business litigation. Even if you don't know much about business law, you can have success by taking the following actions.  Preserve Evidence  To have any real shot of winning this type of business case in court, you need to preserve evidence. Read More 

Legally Handling Nursing Home Abuse

As seniors become older, it is common for various health conditions to develop. Many of the conditions require regular medical treatment, and sometimes it is even necessary for a senior to be constantly monitored. Although it is typical for family members to take care of their elderly loved ones, sometimes it isn't possible, so admittance into a nursing home becomes necessary. Did you place your elderly parent in a nursing home and find out that he or she is being abused by the staff? Read More 

Been In A Car Accident? 4 Reasons You Need To Seek Legal Counsel

If you've been in a car accident and you haven't hired an attorney yet, now's the time to take care of that. It's never a good idea to deal with a car accident without an attorney, especially where injuries or extensive damage to personal property is involved. If you've been involved in a car accident, here are just four of the many reasons why you need to retain legal counsel as soon as possible. Read More