Staying Professional In Court

3 Tips For Affording A Bankruptcy Attorney With Little To No Money

Excessive credit card spending that is not paid off will eventually lead to bankruptcy for many individuals. Credit card holders sometimes view credit cards as money that they have rather than money they will eventually have to pay back. When this realization is made, it is often too late to do anything. At this point, filing for bankruptcy is the only option. However, depending on how complicated your case is, you may need to hire a bankruptcy attorney. Read More 

The Benefits Of A Living Trust

While making a last will and testament is a great way to start preparing for your death, expected or not, it is not your only option. A will is definitely a binding legal document when written correctly, but many people have circumstances that require a more complicated legal document to disperse funds or items to the desired parties. The best route to take in these types of situations is to set up a living trust. Read More 

Four Reasons You May Be Able To Sue Your Employer For Personal Injury

You've probably been hearing for years that you're not allowed to sue your employer if you're injured on the job. After all, that's what workers' compensation insurance claims are for; you can receive restitution for your injuries easily, without even going to court. That's the idea, anyway. In real life, there are several exceptions to this rule, some of which void the restrictions on suing employers and co-workers. Read through these four reasons you may be able to sue your employer to discover if a personal injury case may be right for your situation. Read More 

Medical Abandonment: A Subtle Form Of Medical Malpractice

One of the most subtle forms of medical malpractice is patient abandonment. What is it and how should you respond if it happens to you? What is patient abandonment? Doctors have a responsibility toward their patients who are in need of ongoing care. Doctors often reserve the right to terminate a relationship with a patient under various circumstances (such as repeated failures to show up for appointments without explanations or even just out of personality conflicts). Read More 

Divorcing? Two Tips To Help You Choose The Right Attorney

If you're going through a divorce, one of the most important things you can do is seek out legal counsel.  A qualified divorce attorney will do everything in their power to help you cover all basis so you can be fairly compensated as you separate from your partner.  However, not all divorce lawyers are created equal, and with so many choices at your disposal, it can be hard to determine which one will be most helpful to you. Read More