Getting fired from your job can be a terrible experience, especially if you were terminated without a valid reason. But what if you suspect that your employer violated the law by firing you? Can you sue for wrongful termination?
What the Law Says
In the United States, most employment is "at-will," which means that employers can fire employees for any reason or no reason at all, as long as it's not illegal.
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Drug charges can ruin your life in several ways. Apart from a conviction that might go on your criminal record, you also face the prospect of going to jail and spending a lot of money on your legal defense. However, you greatly improve your odds of beating the charges and improving your experience with the law if you know what to do.
Below are tips on what to do when facing drug charges.
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Disability insurance is a type of insurance that provides financial support when an individual is unable to work due to an illness or injury. If you are injured or disabled, you deserve the assistance and support you are entitled to. When you run into roadblocks or disputes while claiming your disability benefits, it may be time to seek the help of a disability insurance claims lawyer. Here's what you need to know.
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An insurance company has an interest in settling a workers' compensation case as soon as possible. This is because the future is uncertain, and an individual's health can worsen, meaning more money is paid out over time. You may have been offered a settlement without expecting it. If so, you have three basic responses.
You can accept the offer
Bear in mind that when you sign the paperwork, you're not just accepting the dollar amount that is offered, but also everything else in the settlement.
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Child custody is a hot topic for divorcing parents. Most parents want to do what is best for their children. Unless the parents can agree on child custody questions, the family court judge may make the decision on their behalf. The judge may take into consideration a number of factors when making the decision. To find out what goes into a child custody decision, read on.
The Best Interest of the Child
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