Getting The Most From A Workers’ Compensation Claim

A job injury can keep you off the job and without an income for weeks or months. Worker's compensation gives you some income protection, but only if you pursue it correctly. Getting an attorney involved in your claim initially will help you get the maximum amount due to you because of the injury. Get your claim submitted as soon as you know how your health and income will be affected. The following tips will help you get a workers' compensation claim processed quickly.

Report Any Injuries Quickly

Tell your supervisor or HR representative about any injuries, even before you know how they may affect you long term. Your report of the injury will become part of the company's records, which is helpful when you file an official compensation claim. Reporting an injury late may delay any benefits.

Document Any Witnesses

Note anyone around you when you were injured. Verify that they saw the accident and document the date, time and name of the person. These witnesses will be needed if the insurer has any doubts that the injury occurred while you were at work.

Support Your Claim By Getting a Medical Exam

Whatever the injury, go to your doctor or emergency clinic and get examined. Get any initial treatment done, too. If you file a claim for which you did not pursue medical treatment, the insurer will deny the claim as insufficient because you thought it wasn't necessary to treat it medically.

Prepare a Good Explanation as to How You Got Hurt

This is where using a workers compensation lawyer is beneficial. They will coach you as to what to say when your employer or the insurer asks you to describe your injury. You want to be truthful, and the description of your injuries needs to match the information in any medical records kept on you. Your explanation must also make it clear that the injury occurred while you were at work.

Complete Any Forms Correctly

Your attorney can review any forms you need to fill out to make sure they are complete and accurate. Any information you include on the forms must match anything you have told your employer and what is on any medical records from your doctor's visit. The facts you present about the injury and the language you use to describe it must be consistent throughout any paperwork you complete for the claim.

Allow Limited Access to Your Medical Records

The insurer may ask you to authorize them to access your medical records. Only give authorization for them to see medical records related to the injury noted in your claim. Do not give an umbrella authorization that allows them to look at all of your medical history. Have your attorney make sure that you're giving the insurer access just to the relevant records.

To learn more, contact a law firm like Lipman Law Firm PC. 
