Injuries Incurred on the Property of Attorneys: Who Do You Sue?

Injuries can happen anywhere, but when you twist an ankle or fall on the steps of a law firm filled with general attorneys, who do you sue? Can you sue for a personal injury when the person or persons are attorneys themselves? While you may feel daunted by the prospect, a serious injury incurred on any type of property is fair grounds for a lawsuit. If you just recently became injured on the grounds of a law firm, here is what you need to do and who you can sue.

Get Documentation on the Seriousness of Your Injuries

There is a world of difference between smacking a shoulder into a door and getting bruises versus falling down on an ice patch in front of a building and fracturing your hip or a couple of your vertebrae. When you are seriously hurt, you see a doctor and get x-rays and a diagnosis as well as treatment. This is the type of documentation you need for your case (if you have one).

Find Out Who Owns the Building and Property

Sometimes general attorneys operate out of a rented office space and the proprietor is responsible for groundskeeping and maintenance. If that is the case, then you will need to find out who the proprietor is and sue that person or company instead. If the general attorneys own the property and did not prevent the situation that caused your injuries, then you need to find out who the senior partners are and which one or ones have their names on the property deed. These are the people your personal injury attorney will file a suit against for your injuries.

Continue to See Your Doctor for Any Follow-up Care You Will Need

Just because you have the initial documentation of your injuries does not mean your responsibilities in your case are over. You still need to take care of yourself and continue to see your doctor for any follow-up care and medicines to help you cope with pain. Documentation of your visits can be printed out in the doctor's office and then you can drop these documents off at your lawyer's office so that he or she can add them to your case file. If you received a concussion or broken bones that were severe enough to require physical therapy, your lawyer will want proof of those appointments as well because it will strengthen your case and your claim.

To get started with your case, contact a personal injury attorney from a firm like GSJones Law Group, P.S.
