What You Should Know If You Are Charged with a DUI in Another State

It's possible that you have been charged with DUI while on vacation or perhaps on a business trip out-of-state. You might be wondering whether or not you need to stay within the state you have been charged in and whether you will go to jail. A lot will depend on which state you were charged for a DUI in, but hiring a DUI attorney with experience and knowledge of the laws of the state where you were arrested will help.

Here are some things you should know if you are charged with a DUI in another state.

Your License Could Be Suspended

It's possible that if you have been charged with DUI in a different state than where you live, your license could be suspended within that state. This means you can't drive any type of vehicle while visiting there. If you drive a commercial vehicle for work, such as a truck driver, it's possible that could seriously affect your ability to make a living. 

Your DUI attorney can appeal this suspension by requesting a hearing. This hearing usually needs to be requested within a short time period after your arrest. In some states, a hearing isn't required and your attorney may be able to request the suspension be lifted simply by contacting the judge assigned to your case. 

You Will Need to Travel for Court Appearances

When you are charged with DUI in another state, you will need to travel back there in order to attend any court appearances. This includes the hearing to hear the charges against you and to receive your trial date. You will also have to appear at your trial or risk being found in contempt of court by not appearing.

In certain circumstances, it might be possible to have your DUI attorney make the court appearance on your behalf. The judge may agree if you are ill or are taking care of someone who is. You may also let your DUI attorney appear in court for you if travel isn't easy for you due to work or family obligations.

You Might Face Consequences Back Home

In some cases, you might face consequences back in your own state if you are charged or convicted of a DUI in another state. It's possible your own state might suspend your license, meaning you will not be able to drive in your home state as well as the state you are facing charges in. 

If you are convicted of a DUI, it can affect your income. This is true if you depend on driving to earn money such as a delivery driver or truck driver.

Contact a DUI attorney for more information.
